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Regional News of Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Residents blame police for frequent robbery attacks on Kumasi-Yeji highway

On March 6th a prison officer was shot dead along the Kumasi-Yeji highway On March 6th a prison officer was shot dead along the Kumasi-Yeji highway

Residents of towns along the Kumasi-Yeji highway are complaining that the police are not doing their best to foil, or better still prevent, incessant robbery attacks on the stretch.

On Monday, March 6, a prison officer was shot dead by highway robbers while one officer was left in critical condition.

Residents say the attacks are becoming almost a daily occurrence on the stretch.

They say fear has gripped them and if care is not taken the Yeji market will lose its glory of being one of the busiest trading hubs in the sub-region as the robbers attack mostly traders.

According to the residents, some of whom spoke on anonymity, efforts to get the police to patrol the stretch have been futile.

They told that just two weeks ago, before Monday’s fatal attack, a driver was shot dead at Ejura.

A passenger vehicle was also rattled with bullets at Atebubu days earlier. They claim not even a demonstration in the beginning of 2017 to get the attention of security personnel has yielded any result.

“We really want government to take action,” said one by name James. “A police commander from Kumasi came to talk to demonstrators the last time but he didn’t give any hopes. Almost all of us cannot even travel the stretch.”

The residents say the attacks usually occur in the night though day attacks have also been recorded.

“Business in Yeji is really coming down as a result of the attacks and the earlier the government turns attention to the issue the better,” an evangelist who gave his name as Isaac said.

The fatal attack on the prison officers at Amantin comes barely a week after a police officer was also shot at the same spot by robbers, gathered.