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Diasporia News of Sunday, 26 September 2010

Source: stephen a. quaye, toronto-canada.

Rev. Jacob William French, The Reincarnated John Wesley ...

... Of Methodist Church In North America.

From: Stephen A. Quaye, Toronto-Canada.

When Ghanaians have not embarked on foreign travels and are living in the mother land, they do have a lot of time to fellowship together on Sundays in their various Orthodox or Spiritual churches.
Fellowshipping on foreign destinations becomes very difficult for them after having landed in their foreign destination of choice because over there time is money where the time one has to go and worship has to find job as the time to make a living therefore making it very difficult for many to worship on Sundays in the diasporas.
If one knows the true lifestyle in the diasporas one will accept the excuses given by many as to why they are not finding time to worship on Sundays whiles others have made it clear that whether difficult lifestyles or not they will find time on Sundays to worship God where hopefully their life would become better of.
Such persons scout around looking for affiliate branches of their mother church’s here in Toronto such as the Presbyterian Church, Anglican Church, The Methodist Church, and the Catholic Church as well as the Pentecostal churches to worship with them.
Here the individual who has joined the fellowship expects to receive spiritual growth in order for him to stay and witness to others the saving power of God to win more souls for Christ therefore making the role of the pastors, reverends and bishops in charge of these churches paramount.
In recent times, the name of the clergy has been dragged into the mud by certain members of the entire public due to the unholy things some of them have been doing.
However, there are many of them who have distinguished themselves very well as leaders and Very Reverend Jacob William French of Ghana Methodist Church in Toronto-Canada is one among the lot.
It is always said that, is better to say good things about people right where they are there with you before they leave the scene all that you says goes into thin air .That is more reason why gathering these pieces of profile about the man of God Very Reverend William Jacob French is important.
The smiles this gentleman wears every occasion makes one to feel free to get closer to him with whatever problem he faces, from Tuesdays through to Sunday his offices at the 19 Penn Drive on Finch are always opened for both members of the Methodist Church as well as people outside the church who wants counseling.
This man of God is highly principled and despises cheating but always make sure that the one who has been cheated forgives the one who cheated to pave way for peace and understanding. He always ensures that his members live in peace but where there is misunderstanding he preaches peace to resolve all rifts amongst members.
As it is common with other pastors or ministers of God where they are the only preachers of the church, Reverend French has trained more local preachers as well as leaders who also mount the pulpit to administer the word of God to the congregation.
It is not heard of else where that a minister of a particular church team up with other ministers of God but through his quality leadership has drawn a preaching plan where in the name true fellowship with other churches exchange preaching services with sister churches which have created more Christian fellowship among Ghanaian residents in Toronto-Canada.
Not just a minister of God but also a fully blooded Methodist, Reverend French has demonstrated how the church must grown in strength and numbers by opening more branches in other provinces of Canada and it could be said that this superintendent minister is currently working hand in hand with the minister in charge of the Montreal society Reverend Emanuel Ohene Gyemah, to open other branches in Ottawa, Calgary and Oshawa which is healthy to hear.
Methodism is democracy and democracy is Methodism with the simple meaning that wherever the society exists and there is no open house meeting where the ordinary members are allowed to contribute to the running of the church, there is a misunderstanding.
Reverend French is so versed in the Methodist constitution and ensures that society meetings are held every three months where the entire congregation is presented with matters of administration. Members are allowed to pass comments and vote on discussions before it is potentially adopted by the leaders meeting.
The wish of every leader is to see to it that the group, society, association or the fellowship that are under his administration grows from strength to strength in order to be rewarded for that after haven achieved success.
Because success does not come by mere means, it incorporates respect, humility, trust, faithfulness and hard expected to be displayed by these elected leaders to be able to succeed in the discharge of their duties.
When these qualities are clearly displayed there is automatic compliment of effort from groups, societies, fellowships and association members who work hand in hand with their leaders to see to the growth of their groups, fellowships and associations.
This brings to the observation of Very Reverend Jacob William French who has been giving quality leadership to the various fellowships, groups and associations like the Men’s fellowship, Women’s fellowship, Guild, Susan Wesley, Christ little band, the Young Adult Movement as well as the children services which are performing tremendously making the future of the church more brighter.
What makes this man of God the reincarnated Reverend John Wesley of Methodist Church in Canada, is the zeal, wit and love he continues to demonstrate in spreading the word of God every where no matter what the time, venue and culture of the people. Trust that after his preaching a thunderous applause will greet him.
Apart from preaching the word of God, his love for children ministry is so great that all the time he researches to get into contact with children ministries to run more educated programmes for the children in the church.
Yes his words of encouragement to the youth and the old age to seek more educational opportunities is paying of well as more people every year graduates from various universities in Canada.
Really as the Ghana Methodist Church keeps growing in Canada and America making it necessary to have a coordinator to over see the affairs of the church in North America, one will not be wrong to suggest to the Synod conference to consider appointing this man of Ghana for such position for the church to see more growth.