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General News of Saturday, 26 October 2013

Source: The Informer

Revealed: Kufuor, Akufo-Addo, others sold GNPC ship to benefit

Even though it has never been in doubt that John Agyekum Kufuor led a gang of looting brigade to loot and plunder the nation's wealth and resources for the 8 years they had the chance to be at the helm of state affairs, the picture of the blatant thievery is becoming clearer after they were booted out of office in 2008.

Today, Ghanaians are beginning to see the nauseating extent to which ex-President John Kufuor and his looting brigade have messed up this nation; never again must they be allowed to win political power.

As the chickens continue to come have to roost on the matter of the sale of the Ghana National Petroleum Company’s (GNPC), Discovery 115 Drill Ship, it has become crystal clear that John Kufuor, Nana Akufo-Addo and Kwabena Tahir Hammond, had criminally sold the ship and cannot account to the people of Ghana how the proceeds from the sale was disbursed.

With the startling revelation by Mr. Amos Ofori Quaah, the then Managing Director of GNPC that GNPC knew nothing about the sale of the ship, K.T. Hammond and his bosses must be immediately hauled before court; tried and jailed.

It is now clear that Kufuor and Akufo-Addo ordered K.T. Hammond to go to London to sell the ship at a time when there was no court judgment hanging around the neck of GNPC.

There is no denying the fact that it is the acts of people like K.T. Hammond, which gives energy to military insurgents to pick up arms and overthrow civilian regimes.

“You see why we are sometimes forced to intervene to prevent a few criminals from looting and stealing what belongs to all of us?” A high-ranking military officer asks rhetorically.

“Why should K.T. Hammond be walking free? By now he should be in the custody of the BNI or CID answering serious questions as regards the sale of the ship,” the military officer suggests.

Many other Ghanaians continue to express deep shock over the starting and frank talk of Mr. Ofori Quaah about how the ship was criminally sold without the consent of GNPC as well as how K.T. Hammond arrogantly stated that he sold the ship on behalf of Kufuor, and so will not account to the state.

Not that the bare facts are out, and Ghanaians now know that K.T. Hammond and his bosses criminally sold the ship, Mr. Tsatsu Tsikata has once again been vindicated.

It is now clear that Tsatsu and GNPC did nothing wrong for which there was the need to sell the ship to pay-off its supposed indebtedness.

From all indications, the story of GNPC’s indebtedness was a ploy by Kufuor, Akufo-Addo and K.T. Hammond to sell the ship and benefit from the sale. The looting brigade known as the NPP; has at all times sought to throw mud at Tsatsu, but any time they do it, it does not stick.

K.T. Hammond, a few weeks ago, was all over the airwaves pointing accusing fingers at Tsatsu Tsikata.

Shamelessly, K.T. Hammond and some of the stomach-direction media honchos tried to put the blame on Tsatsu.

The self-some K.T. Hammond has suddenly disappeared into thin air ever since the true picture began to unfold.

Indeed, K.T. Hammond is believed to have fled Ghana to London.

As for the stomach-direction media mafia that helped Kufuor and co to loot the nation’s wealth, they have shamelessly placed a lid on the evidence of Mr. Ofori Quaah.