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General News of Wednesday, 12 February 2003

Source: gna

Reverend Owusu Bempah refutes allegations

Reverend Owusu Bempah, General Overseer of the Endtime Ministries International, a charismatic church has refuted an allegation that he was part of a car stealing syndicate.

"I wish to set the facts and records straight. I refute the allegation that I am part of a car stealing syndicate. Neither am I in league with any such syndicate."

This was contained in a statement issued in Accra on Tuesday and signed by the Reverend to debunk recent publications in the media about his involvement in a car stealing syndicate and for having bought stolen cars, which the police are investigating.

Rev. Bempah stated that it was true that the Police recently siezed two vehicles belonging to him- A Jaguar saloon car and a Mercedes Benz M-Class jeep- on suspicion that they were stolen.

He said that on the advice of his lawyers, Mr Bram-Larbi, Mr Beecham and Mr Francis Abaidoo, he decided not to take any action till the Police completed its investigations into the case and to "clear my good name".

Rev Bempah said it was unfortunate that there had been "selected leaks" to some radio stations and newspapers imputing that he had been engaged in a criminal act and that he bought the said vehicles from a car stealing syndicate.

He said he bought the Jaguar saloon car from an Accra woman whom he did not give the name and that she had used it for 10 months.

On the Mercedes Benz M-Class jeep, he said he gave money to a registered car dealer who shipped it to him from Europe, adding that all the necessary duties for the car was paid before he took possession of it and that all the documents were with the Police.

"All documents pertaining to both cars, the time it was brought into the country, the original owner before I bought it are with the Police and it is unfortunate that my hard won reputation is being damaged in this way", he said.

"As a man of God, I will be the last person to do such a thing. I have co-operated fully with the police in their investigations into the purchase of the two vehicles."

The Rev. called on his church members, sympathisers and Christians to be steadfast because the allegations were false.

"At the appropriate time, the truth will come out and I will be vindicated", he added.

Last January, Some radio stations and newspapers reported that Rev Bempah had been arrested by the police for owning two cars reportedly stolen from Italy by a car stealing syndicate.

The police are still investigating and both vehicles are parked at Police Headquarters in Accra.