General News of Saturday, 15 June 2013

Source: Joy Online

Review TV License Law - GBC Boss

Director-General (D-G) of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), Major Albert Don-Chebe (Rtd), has asked Parliament to take a second look at the current TV License Law, if the state broadcaster is to remain a viable media entity capable of generating quality programming to meet the needs of television viewers in Ghana.

According to the GBC boss, the TV License Law did not reflect current costs incurred in producing and keeping television programmes on the screens.

“The TV license law was enacted almost 18 years ago and since then nothing has been done to review it upwards to reflect the current rate of inflation,” Don-Chebe said.

GBC boss told The Independent, the TV license fee as it stands currently, is quite low to serve any significant purpose. It is not even worth the effort it would take to mobilise.

“Currently the TV license fee is so low it costs less than the cost of receipts you would issue after collecting it,” Don-Chebe lamented.

Comparing the rates of TV license fees between Ghana and countries like South Africa, Major Don-Chebe (Rtd) said South Africa was charging an annual rate of 23 Euros per television which when converted would mean Ghana is charging just 12 cents per television per year.

He has therefore asked Parliament to consider a review of the law so that GBC would reposition itself financially to serve the television needs of people in the country.