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General News of Thursday, 22 May 2003


Ring Leaders Of VRA Strike Dodge Committee

At the first inaugural sitting of the committee, set up to investigate the management of the VRA CEO, Dr. Wereko Brobby, a certain inertia has gripped the hitherto highly agitated workers’ front, to the extent that by close of the first day’s sitting, no worker had appeared before the committee.

Most of the workers, who were invited to the committee’s hearing, sent notice that they were indisposed and could therefore not make appearance, the paper learnt.

However, the INDEPENDENT underground search at the VRA premises established that worker’s action was informed by what they claim to be a possible repercussion that they are likely to face, in an event of the committee exonerating Dr. Wereko-Brobby of any wrong doing, hence the decision to subtly study the waster under guise of being indisposed, before making any representations, if any to the committee.

Meanwhile, the INDEPENDENT says it has been informed that the allegations against the VRA CEO have been investigated over the last several weeks by national security agents and personnel of the Auditor General’s Department without any proof.

“Some of us see the committee work ending that way”, the INDEPENDENT noted.