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General News of Thursday, 30 April 2015


Sack DVLA boss - Nunoo Mensah

A former National Security Adviser Brigadier Gen. Joseph Nunoo Mensah wants President John Mahama to sack the DVLA boss.

He is accusing Rudolph Beckley of failing to restructure the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority to stop corrupt practices there and streamline its operations.

The retired army officer told Starr News’ Ibrahim Alhassan that the Transport Ministry has also ignored his complaints on the rot at the DVLA.

“I went to the DVLA office at Weija and I nearly wept,” the former Chief of Defence Staff said. “People were struggling to get their cars inspected and this is where corruption comes in.”

He added: “When you restrict service, people will want to do anything to get what they want. Why can’t we liberalise this whole thing. Drivers have been struggling for nothing. There are so many fuel service station outlets, for Christ sake train and empower them to inspect the cars and give certificates. It is done in Britain.”

“In Ghana we like to restrict and see people suffering and that creates corruption,” Nunoo Mensah stated. “The DVLA boss is still at post. What is wrong with this country? We are committing suicide and dying of frustrations.”