General News of Tuesday, 16 May 2017


Sacked within 2 hours; Medical Director demands explanation

Dr. Thomas Anaba Dr. Thomas Anaba

Sacked Medical Director of the Ridge Regional Hospital Dr Thomas Anaba is demanding explanation for being relieved of his post.

Dr. Anaba’s appointment was supposed to last till 2020 and had the option to re-apply but that appointment has been revoked.

He was appointed on February 1, 2016 during the tenure of former President John Mahama.

Speaking to Sunrise morning show host Winston Amoah, Dr. Anaba indicated he was served his dismissal letter on Monday, May 15 and had to vacate his post within two hours.

“I received notification notice yesterday around 10:15 am to hand over immediately to Dr. Emmanuel Srophenu, who has been appointed as Acting Director and within two hours the regional Director of Health, Dr. Linda Van Otoo was available to supervise the process immediately”.

Asked if he had been able to do that, he questioned “how can I hand over, it’s impossible for me to hand over that big hospital with all the processes that went on within a twinkle of an eye”.

Expressing his shock at the dismissal he said “I was taken aback because this is a medical fraternity, a civil service professional doing his work, not a political position. So I don’t see how a Minister without any report from the regional director to the Director General to the Council can sit in his office and just write a letter that you are dismissed because we are re-structuring the Ridge Hospital. He contends that per his appointment, which went through the Public Service Commission and the Ghana Health Service (GHS) Council, termination of same should also come from them ideally citing reasons.

“The Directors appointment had to go through Public Services Commission for analysis to see if it was done genuinely. The letter authorizing my sack was signed by the Minister to the Director General who then added a cover letter and sent to me personally. In the Minister’s letter, it was only written to me and copied to the Director without any reference.”

“I only want clarification for what I’ve done to be sacked for it to be on record because I don’t want posterity and people to be thinking and conjecturing why I left the place, so that I can also leave in peace,” he ended.