General News of Sunday, 3 March 2019


‘Safer Internet Day’ to promote self-awareness and vigilance among young people – COA

Some dignitaries of Child Online Africa during the launch of Safer Internet Day Africa Some dignitaries of Child Online Africa during the launch of Safer Internet Day Africa

The Executive Director of Child Online Africa (COA), Madam Awo Aidam Amenyah, has indicated that Safer Internet Day (SID) is an opportunity to initiate conversation with young people regarding the use of the technology which is aimed at creating awareness among young people with their quest to access the online world.

At the launch of Safer Internet Day Africa, Madam Awo Aidam Amenyah said “the Internet, and for that matter, the online world is very vast and borderless and difficult to control, therefore our only best option is education and awareness creation among our children and young people, to empower them to access the online world in a responsible manner.”

The recent abduction of young girls in some parts of the country according to her, may have been technologically facilitated, therefore, it is prudent to ensure that young people are cautious about their safety and security online.

She then noted that Child Online Africa is ready to intensify and expand its child online safety advocacy work beyond the borders of Ghana into the rest of Africa.

About SID Africa

SID is a landmark campaign delivered locally through a number of Safer Internet Centres (in Europe) and Safer Internet Day Committees (beyond Europe), and it is backed by the Better Internet for Kids’ line of work (coordinated by European Schoolnet on behalf of the European Commission).

The day is marked in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people across the world.

Although the campaign originally started in Europe back in 2004, it has grown year on year since that time and was celebrated in more than 140 countries in 2018.

With the support of some of you from the government, private sector, law enforcement, civil society etc. SID Africa has been on this journey for 5 years and in its 5th year, it aims at extending into other countries with the social gospel of Internet safety.

It has been branded #SIDAfrica because the continent has its unique culture and context when it comes to the conversation around responsible use of ICTs. Therefore, it will be appropriate to design an awareness forum to reflect and suit the continent’s peculiar needs.

The inspiration for the #SIDAfrica content is based on The Office of the eSafety Commissioner in Australia and the European Commission.

The theme for #SID2019 is ‘Together for a better internet’.
