Regional News of Monday, 13 August 2018


Sagnarigu MCE commended over Kanvili religious dispute mediation

Hon. Iddrisu Mariam Hon. Iddrisu Mariam

Chiefs and Religious leaders in Kanvili, a suburb of the Sagnarigu Municipality have commended the Municipal Chief Executive of area, Hon. Iddrisu Mariam for her incredible leadership role played in averting a potential religious violence conflict in the community.

The Kanvili residents said, for the timely intervention of the MCE the community would have been in chaos as youth of Sunnis and Al Tijaniya threatens for a showdown as Eid Adha approaches.

Confusion broke between the Sunnis and Al Tijaniya sects in Kanvili following disagreements over a piece of land meant for the last Eid prayers.

The bone of contention was about which of the Muslim sects Imam leads the whole Kanvili Community in prayers during the last Eid Fitre celebrations at the Kanvili Nuriya Primary School, a ground where both Muslim sects have been praying over 15 years.

The Municipal Security Council led by MEC, Hon Iddrisu Mariam intervene and put a ban to any religiously activities at the Kanvili Nuriya Primary School park. Successively, another piece of land was provide at the Kanvili RC for the Eid Fitre prayers to avoid a possible religious violence in the Municipality.

The decision of the MUSEC was abide by both the Sunnis and Al Tijaniya sects pending a final mediation of the religious confusion in the area . Last week, the MCE for Sagnarigu who also doubles as the Chairman of Municipal Security Council met with the leaders of the feuding Muslim sects and Chiefs for the final resolution of the issue.

In mediation, MUSEC lift the ban earlier imposed at the Kanvili Nuriya park and asked the Al Tijaniya sect to use the Kanvili Nuriya Primary park for their religious gatherings whiles the Sunni group will also maintain the Kanvili RC park.

Both groups where satisfied with the decision by the Municipal Security Council and promised to abide by it for the benefit of the entire community. Leaders of Kanvili after the mediation said, the issue has been going on for some time now but fortunately the issue has been resolved.

“We are therefore hoping that both Muslim leaders will abide by the final resolution… We are very grateful to the MCE for Sagnarigu and her team for this historic mediation”.

Mr. Alhassan Respect, a resident of Kanvili in a telephone interview said, “the mediation role played by the MCE and MUSEC as far as the above mentioned issue is concern devoid of any influence whatsoever is unprecedented which is a smack of a good leader”.

He said, the people of Kanvili especially both members of the Sunni and Al Tijaniya sects are very happy about the outcome of the mediation process led by the Sagnarigu MCE.

The Kanvili resident, Mr. Alhassan Respect also in a release sighted by said, the religious dispute nearly muddy the beauty of the area.

Read below Mr. Alahssan Respect release:

Kanvilli Youth and Elders says ayikooo to the Sagnarigu MCE

10th August, 2018

On behalf of the youth and elders of the Kanvili and the entire Moslem ummah and other peace loving inhabitants, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the MCE for Sagnarigu in the person of Hon. Iddrisu Mariam, the assembly man for Kanvili electoral Hon.

Peter Tisakiya and the entirety of the Municipal Security Committee MUSEC for short for their role in finding a lasting solution to recent Kanvili dispute which happened during the last EID UL FITRE which nearly soil the good name of the people of Kanvili. The ragging issue in question was amicably resolved today, August 10.

The mediation role played by the MCE and MUSEC as far as the above mentioned issue is concern devoid of any influence whatsoever is unprecedented which is a smack of a good leader.

This gesture is an ample demonstration of the fact that the MCE hold peace and unity, in high esteem and as a result of this singular gesture, we will forever be indebted to her and continue to work with her to uplift the status of the municipality as far as development, peace and security are concern.

One more time, on behalf of the youth and elders of Kanvilli, I say a big thank you to Hon. Mariam for that yeoman's job in resolving the dispute which nearly muddy the beauty of our brotherhood and kindred as 'Kanvillinima'.

Boss, your action is great testimony of the fact that you are a listening and caring leader, qualities every successful leader must possess for the betterment of all her people

May your reign as an affable MCE over flow with milk and honey for our nourishment.

Long Live Sagnarigu Municipality!

Long Live Kanvili!

Alhassan Respect, KV city.(