General News of Sunday, 24 April 2016


'Sakawa' boy goes mad after refusing to sleep with mad woman

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A 22-year-old boy, Yaw Asamoa has reportedly gone mad after he refused to sleep with a mentally challenged woman as part of rituals to make him wealthy.

The victim, and some two other friends from information gathered by Nyankonton Mu Nsem went on a mission to make money the easiest way by visiting a spiritualist at Esereso in the Western region .

His senior brother, has threatened to behead the spiritualist for what has befalling his brother.

Speaking to Nyankonton Mu Nsem, he said the spiritualist deceived his brother who stole the amount to embark on his mission of making quick money.

One of the three young men who went on the mission in an exclusive interview with Nyankonton Mu Nsem said, he was formerly a mason but things became difficult for him and his friends so they planned to visit thee spiritualist who had helped one of their friends to hit a jackpot.

He said, they initially refused to go and see the spiritualist but became convinced due to their friend's fortune.

He said, the spiritualist demanded from them an amount of GHC2,000 to enable him perform the rituals for them, however, after a month, he demanded the three friends to embark on their audacious mission to make it easier for the money to come quicker.

He was particularly asked to bring blood of accident victims, while the two were asked to sleep with a mad woman and a dog respectively.

According to him, he can no longer sleep as he is being haunted by some spirits because he could not meet the deadline.

It has also emerged that, one of the young boys who was asked to sleep with dog is the same boy who attempted suicide few days ago after he was caught in the act.

It can be recalled that Nyankonton Mu Nsem reported some few weeks ago that one Yorko attempted killing himself because of the embarrassment and public ridicule he encountered.