Religion of Friday, 27 April 2018


Sale of stickers, holy water, others in church sign of end time Christianity – Evangelist

Head Pastor of the Living Testimonies for Jesus Bible Ministry, Sampson Joe Baning play videoHead Pastor of the Living Testimonies for Jesus Bible Ministry, Sampson Joe Baning

The second coming of Christ which was preordained some 2,000 years ago is more imminent now than it has ever been with some recent events particularly in the church of God, Head Pastor of the Living Testimonies for Jesus Bible Ministry, Sampson Joe Baning has said.

The Evangelist who is bent on exposing deception in end-time Christianity says so called men of God are misleading many and extorting monies from them through the sale of items including anointing oil, handkerchiefs, holy water among others, through which they claim persons can receive their miracles and have their ‘spiritual’ problems solved.

This in his view, is clear proof that the second coming of Jesus Christ is really nigh considering that the Bible mentions deception as one of the ‘signs’ to show that the end-time is due.

Pastor Joe Baning also cites commercialization of the gospel as a deceptive tool being implored by some pastors in churches to ‘drain’ naïve members of their monies and resources. “Seed-sowing, charging of consultation fees and various harvests” he named as a few of the techniques adopted by these ministers to achieve wealth through the pockets of church members.

“Another concept that Satan has managed to introduce into end-time Christianity in deception is the commercialization of the gospel, that is the broadway Christianity…..part of Christendom has become shopping centers for so called potent paraphernalia such as various wrist bands in different colors as well as other items such as anointing oil, handkerchiefs and Holy water to solve various spiritual problems”.

“They cite quotations such as these ‘Cast thy bread upon thy waters for thou shalt find it after many days’ as we find in Ecclesiastes 11:1 KJV and then also ‘Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men give unto thy bosom for with the same measure that ye meet withal it shall be measured to you again.’

Though he acknowledges these quotations are rightly cited as they are in the Bible, he maintains they are being applied wrongfully and out of context.

“That’s what the Bible says but the context in which they are applying it is out of context and it is wrong”