General News of Wednesday, 26 May 2004

Source: --

Salon Loan Saga: David Wilmer - Dead or Alive?

One of the people connected with CCNTI loan, David Wilmer, described as a former aide of the White House, is generating a lot of interest in the media.

According to records obtained through an internet search (web), he might have passed away in 1999.

However, the journalist Kweku Baako claims Mr. Wilmer is a living person who worked with the President Nixon administration in 1974 and has been part of several transitions of a couple of administrations in the United States in highly placed positions.

MIZELL, Wilmer David (Vinegar Bend), 1930-1999

MIZELL, Wilmer David (Vinegar Bend), a Representative from North Carolina; born in Vinegar Bend, Washington County, Ala., August 13, 1930; graduated from high school, Leakesville, Miss., 1949; served in the United States Army, 1953-1954; professional baseball pitcher, 1949-1963; employed by the Pepsi-Cola Co. in sales management and public relations, Winston-Salem, N.C., 1963-1967; elected Davidson County commissioner and later selected as chairman, Board of County Commissioners, 1966; elected as a Republican to the Ninety-first and to the two succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1969-January 3, 1975); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1974 to the Ninety-fourth Congress;
  • Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, March 1975 to May 1976; unsuccessful candidate for election in 1976 to the Ninety-fifth Congress;
  • Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Governmental and Public Affairs under President Ronald Reagan;
  • under President George Bush Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of Veterans Affairs, and executive director of the President?s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports; was a resident of Midway, N.C.; died February 21, 1999, in Kerrville, Tex.
    SOURCE: Click Here

    Link between Mr. David Wilmer & Loan

    According to the document furnished to Parliament, CNTCI has an ?exclusive shareholder structure? which includes Columbus Newport L/C:

    Columbus Newport Limited (CN) is a public affairs Lobby Group in the USA. It is reported to consist of a ?Secretary to 5 former USA Presidents Mr. David Wilmer, and the former Treasury Secretary to the USA?. The Company is reported to be providing ?solutions to problems at the very highest level of Government of United States of America and other International and Global Organisations?. CN has 50% equity in Alberni United SA and can best be described as a lobbyist and influence peddling Group within the US system of governance;

    Columbus Newport limited does not have a website.

    The 300 milion dollar loan has generated a lot of public debate. The agreement is between the government and a Chinese company, CNT Group Holdings Limited and the CNT Construction Investment Limited, a construction and investment financing company in the United Kingdom. The credit covers the rehabilitation of the Eastern rail line road works involving the upgrading of the Achimota Kumasi road, PSI?s Garment Village and establishment of six cassava starch companies.