General News of Wednesday, 19 May 1999

Source: null

Savelugu-Nanton District Assembly declares war on land encroachers.

Pong-Tamale (Northern Region) 19 May ?99

The Savelugu-Nanton District Assembly has directed land owners to acquire official permits from the Assembly before embarking on any development.

Alhaji Abdulai Harunna, the District Chief Executive, said the District Assembly has the mandate to issue building permits to ensure compliance with building regulations and prevent encroachment on state lands.

Alhaji Harunna was speaking at Pong-Tamale, near Savelugu, when he presented five bags of cement to Long-Naa Fuseini Baani who, he said, had showed leadership by example. He said Naa Baani readily complied with an order by the Assembly to remove a structure for a grinding mill he had put up on a land belonging to the Pong-Tamale Veterinary College.

By his action, Long-Naa has shown respect for authority and the donation was in recognition of his gesture.