General News of Friday, 14 November 2003

Source: --

Security Guard Wrecked Ship To Prevent Looting

Security personnel have been detailed to guard a wrecked ship that was dumped on the Accra Tema beach following looting of some of its items by residents. Three persons have been arrested for unlawful entry into the vessel, which belongs to Infitco Ghana Limited. The MV Suam Reefer was dumped at the beach by the Ghana Harbours Authority on Thurday to prevent it from sinking.

The Harbour Master, Captain Victor C. Jonah, said the vessel had been left at the anchorage for the past one-and-half years and that on Wednesday it was observed that it had tilted to one side after water started entering it.

He said several attempts were made to pump out the water and realising that the vessel could sink, a decision was taken to tow it to its present place. Captain Jonah told reporters that if the vessel had sank it would have blocked the approaches to the port and could have also posed a danger to navigation.

Some of the fishermen told the GNA that they regarded the vessel as abandoned and therefore entered it through the gangway and took anything that was valuable to them. Personnel from the Navy and Police are keeping watch over the vessel to prevent further looting. A man, who described himself as a consultant to the company, said the Serious Fraud Office was investigating the company and that its assets including the vessel were frozen