Crime & Punishment of Sunday, 10 April 2016


Security man, 23, arrested for raping imbecile

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A 23-year-old private security man, Kwasi Acquah has been arrested by the Police in Koforidua in the Eastern region for allegedly raping an imbecile.

The suspect on Friday appeared before a Koforidua Circuit Court and has been remanded to re-appear on April 13, 2016.

The Prosecutor, Inspector Solomon Keelson narrated that the suspect is a private security man in Koforidua while the victim is a student of the Imbeciles School in the New Juaben Municipality.

He said, the suspect, at around 10:30 pm lured the victim into his house and allegedly had sex with her after promising the victim an amount of GHC10.

However, after spending the night with the suspect, he only made part payment of GHC2.

According to the Prosecutor, the victim became furious and accosted the suspect the next day attracting the attention of some residents in the area.

Parents of the victim reported the matter to the Police which led to the arrest of the suspect.

During interrogation, the suspect admitted the offence but pleaded not guilty when he appeared in Court.