Sekyere(Ashanti Region) 6 April '99
Residents of Sekyere in the Sekyere West District of Ashanti on Sunday raised two million cedis at an Easter fund-raising harvest in aid of a 25 million-cedi electrification project. They have already mobilised and spent over seven million cedis towards the project. Mr Peter Kessie, assemblyman for Sekyere, said the project is being financed through a flat levy of 3,000 cedis per resident and 10,000 cedis for non-residents. He commended Sekyere citizens living abroad for contributing 4.2 million cedis towards the project. Nana Owusu Ababio, Akwamuhene of Sekyere, appealed to the chiefs and citizens to bury their differences and rally round the assemblyman and the unit committees to facilitate the development of the town.