Religion of Sunday, 15 October 2017


Seventh Day Pentecostal immortlises founder

Apostle-Elder Enoch Ofori single handedly started what he termed Apostle-Elder Enoch Ofori single handedly started what he termed

The Seventh Day Pentecostal Assemblies of Church is set to hold a medical screening and health in the Ashanti Region as part activities to mark the tenth anniversary of the death of its founder, Apostle-Elder Enoch Ofori.

Late Apostle-Elder Enoch Ofori is largely respected by a cross section of the Christian society in the Ashanti Region as an Apostle who was at the forefront of righteousness.

The Church has also used the occasion to launch its google application which affords users to have access to both old and new audio as well as video messages of the late founder and other leaders of the Church.

Apostle-Elder Enoch Ofori is credit with single handedly starting what he termed ‘Righteous Living Movement’ in 1967 and also led the task of establishing branches of the Church in all ten regions of Ghana.

Speaker to, leader of the Esereso branch of the Church, Elder Enoch Ofori Jnr recounted the impact the life of the late founder has had on the congregation of the church.

According to him, the church has always upheld the virtues of living a righteous and holy lives due to the teachings of its Founder.

This, he stressed has ensured that members live responsible lives wherever they are since they know the coming of Christ is not far from the future.

Apostle Enoch Ofori Jnr has also emphasized the need for Christians in the country to live exemplary lifestyles so as to allow the spirit of God in them affect others who do not know Christ Jesus as Lord.

Church History:

Having birthed the church in 1967, Elder Ofori Jnr noted the Founder first named the church Christ Holy Church.

This, he mentioned was based on the vision the Founder gained from God that Christians have been called out to live holy and righteous lives.

He says the church eventually became the 7th Day Pentecostal Assembly in 1970 based on the new vision God gave the Founder, Apostle Elder Enoch Ofori who by then had struck an affiliation with an American man by name Elder Gray who was head of the Association of 7th Day Assemblies in the United States of America, (USA).

The church has grown from a handful of people to its current stage where it has about 70 branches worldwide including one in Kenya and Benin.

The climax of the whole year’s celebration of the Founder will be on the last week of December where the church has planned a float in the principal streets of Kumasi as well as convention to teach the congregation about the truths in the Bible.