General News of Sunday, 1 March 2015

Source: Anita Frimpong

Sexual harassemnet causes psychological impact-ark foundation

Research conducted by Ark foundation, an advocacy based women’s human rights non- governmental organization indicates that sexual harassment in Ghana is basically a forbidden topic as far the organization is involved.
According to the foundation a single act may constitute to sexual harassment, inasmuch as sexual harassment is bet understood as a pattern of coercive behavior that establishes control over victims and survivors.
Executive Director of Ark Foundation Angela Dwamena Aboagye disclosed in an interview that, sexual Harassments is wide spread and sometimes lead to psychological impact that are lasting and can damage persons dignity.
Some tactics employed by perpetrators progress slowly such that initially, they are not perceived as anything serious. Although some of the actions may not deserve criminal justice interventions, they can cause serious psychological and emotion harm and should therefore be taken seriously.
Sexual harassment is also a subject of serious law suits that cost corporate institutions millions of dollars in other countries.
She said there is the need to focus on cooperate institution because it is long pending issue since many cooperate institution do not have sexual harassment policy.
This policy she said will protect the right of individuals and co-workers who become victims after confronted with such act.
“In Ghana there is a lot of impunity, therefore we are saying that in other jurisdiction people are protected so that they don’t become hostile offended with people’s dignity is well protected ,so we believe it is about time we pick up on these issue and deal with it well. “she stressed.”
She appeal to victims to speak up or finds a counselor who can offer a good counseling services to victims to prevent them from contacting any Psychological effect.
Ark Foundation Ghana with support from the open society initiative for West Africa ( OSIWA), organizes its 3rd Women’ Leadership and policy Dialogue workshop with theme: “Sexual Harassment in the work place; Focus on corporate institutions.’
The dialogue attracted policy makers, civil society representative, and some leaders from corporate institutions including the media to gather strategies that will be used to formulate policy recommendations with the context of ensuring that gender equality in the work place and presented to relevant stakeholders for the necessary action.