General News of Thursday, 11 May 2023


'Share Love' campaign shines bright on Gh Music's biggest night

Zubaida was part of the campaign Zubaida was part of the campaign

As Ghana's top music stars readied themselves to thrill audiences and be thrilled with awards for the year’s work, Verna Mineral Water embarked on a campaign to drive positivity and sharing of love, on a night that is usually associated with negative commentary and vicious, bone-chilling banter.

With the advent of the digital age, physical events such as the VGMA’s usually spill over into social media spaces with platforms such as Twitter, Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Telegram groups awash with comments from viewers. Typically these comments range from the celebrities’ fashion sense during the red carpet moments, to performances on the night and who deserved what award during the ceremony in itself. Many a celebrity have had occasion to throw away their phones in disgust or dismay over comments that people post online about them.

With this backdrop in mind, Verna chose May 6th to give expression to it’s brand payoff line of Drink Verna Share Love by assembling a cast of often trolled and bullied influencers to read out some of the vicious messages they have received online and encourage everyone to tone down the negativity and embrace/share love.

The campaign roll out was anchored by food & travel blogger Zubaida; the host of drive-time on Joy fm, Lexis Bill; and a popular entertainment blogger, Zion Felix with a raft of other influencers to come. See below sample links to some of the brave and hilarious responses by the celebrities to the vicious attacks by their followers online.

On the night, Verna engaged in real time with online users on social and messaging platforms who were spreading negativity by encouraging them to ‘shun that tin and share love’.

You could call Verna mineral water the "firefighters" as they tried to quench negativity and promote positivity with responses to tweets.