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Regional News of Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Sherigu residents threaten ‘No light, No votes’

The residents holding placards to sum up their demands The residents holding placards to sum up their demands

Residents of Sherigu, a community in the Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly of the Upper East region, are threatening to boycott this year’s December 7 general elections if government fails to provide them with electricity.

They say various governments have lied to them for the past years as far as connecting them to the national grid is concerned, hence will not entertain anymore lies from politicians, especially as election approaches.

Residents of the community have consequently staged a demonstration to push the government to listen to them and provide electricity in the area.

According to them, they cannot bear the high cost of kerosene or fuel to power their generator sets to enable them to get electricity for their business.

They claim the Sherigu community, which falls under the Bolgatanga Central Constituency, has been voting for the National Democratic Congress since 1992 yet there is nothing in the community that they can boast of as being from the NDC.

Spokesman for the residents, Anthony Asakisango said authorities have taken the community for granted for far too long, as they have over the years not been given a fair share of the national cake in various projects by the government.

“We demand for our fair share of the rural electrification project from government” he said, adding if nothing was than about their request urgently, they will advise themselves come December 7.

“Sherigu has a population of about 24,000 and a voter population of 10,000 yet it is a deprived and neglected community in the region.

In view of this, we wish to bring to the attention of HE President John Mahama that we need our share of the national cake,” Asakisango said .

Elizabeth Aniah, a student , said the community explained the lack of electricity is affecting pupils in various basic schools in the area because they are unable to learn or revise their notes in the night.

The situation, she noted has resulted in poor academic performance in the area. According to Francis Aduko, assembly member for Basengo-Nyokorkor electoral area said, they have suffered for a very long time due to the electricity.

He said provision of electricity in the area would help the women in the community who are into basket weaving, expand their businesses and generate income to pay school fees of their children.