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Politics of Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Source: GNA

Shun foul mouthed politicians - NCCE Director

Kodie (Ash), May 10, GNA - The Afigya-Kwabre District Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Mr Wilberforce Zangina, has urged Ghanaians to shun politicians who have the penchant to insult and make false accusations against their political opponents.

They need to send strong messages of disapproval of any irresponsible conduct likely to stoke tension and threaten the nation's democracy.

He said having chosen the path of multi-party democracy, it was important for all to uphold the values of decency, tolerance and integrity.

Mr Zangina made the call at a public forum held at Kodie as part of activities to mark the 11th annual constitution week celebration. The programme organized by the NCCE was on the theme: 93The State of Ghana's Democracy, 2011."

In attendance were chiefs, heads of department, religious leaders, representatives of security agencies, assembly and unit committee members and civic society organizations.

Mr Zangina underlined the need to adequately resource democratic institutions, like the NCCE, police, judiciary and Commission on Human

Rights and Administrative Justice to perform efficiently. Mr Kwaku Oppong Kyekyeku Kaakyire, the District Chief Executive (DCE), in a speech read for him, noted that Ghana had made significant success in democratic governance and said all should help to sustain the gains.

Nana Owusu Panin Ababio, Chief of Kodie, called on the people to be law-abiding and also respect the views and opinions of others.