Regional News of Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Source: Ananpansah B Abraham

Site all decentralised departments of RCC at Damongo - Yagbonwura demands

Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom, Yagbonwura Tutumba Boresa I Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom, Yagbonwura Tutumba Boresa I

The Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom, Yagbonwura Tutumba Boresa I, has enjoined the Savannah Regional Minister to ensure that all the decentralized departments of the Regional Coordinating Council are located at the Regional Capital, Damongo.

In an interview with PAD FM after a closed-door meeting with the Regional Minister, the Registrar of the Gonja Traditional Council, Mr.Abutu Kapori disclosed that it will be a betrayal of trust if Yagbonwura accepts a region with such dispersed departments.

According to him, the Overlord has directed the minister to relay to the government that he has not accepted and will not accept such an arrangement.

"Yagbonwura wants all the regional departments to be sited at Damongo...This was the reason why he demanded for the region. Yagbonwura says if he was to be aware that this was the way the region was going to be structured, he wouldn't have demanded for it. When you look at the youth that came to my palace to protest against the decision, they are made up of different tribes. The teaming youth indicate they will feel highly betrayed and disappointed if the Overlord accepts such a decision since that was not the region they fought and voted for," he reiterated.

He appealed to the youth to remain calm whilst Yagbonwura intercede on their behalf to resolve the standoff.

The Regional Minister assured Jira that as a messenger, he will accordingly carry his concerns to the president.

The youth of Damongo under the auspices of Damongo Youth Parliament(DYP) in an earlier meeting with the Regional Minister and his entourage at the RCC maintained their earlier stance. They believe dispersing the coordinating departments will unnecessarily increase administrative costs and affect the efficiency and effectiveness of these departments in coordinating development within the region.

"They said the decision to decentralize beyond the unsubstantiated justifications is an afterthought. According to them, instead of decentralizing departments, let's rather concentrate on decentralizing development and improving the working of the various district assemblies in the region.

"We are fighting for the best interest of the entire region and not an individual or some groups of people.We are the voices and we must stand for the region,"Mr.Ananpansah B Abraham one of the youth leaders disclosed in an interview with Akilu Gideon of PAD FM.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the committee that canvassed support for the creation of the region believes the Overlord is not being given the right briefing.

He argues that decentralization is a state policy and once we're in a unitary state and not a federal state, the people of the Savannah Region must not be seen as taking a position that flouts state policy.

He stated that, practical decentralization such that various departments are spread across the districts was key in the argument for the creation of the Savannah Region. And that the impression should not be created as if the Regional Minister was behind the current policy.

Most social media commentators have, however, described his stance and arguments as flawed and lame, since the region must be owned by the people.