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General News of Friday, 27 May 2011

Source: GBC NEWS

Six envoys present credentials to President Mills

President John Evans Atta Mills has assured the government and people of Cote d’Ivoire of Ghana’s unflinching assistance in their democratic journey.

He said this is the time Ghana will show her goodwill, love and support for the people of Cote d’Ivoire.

This, President Mills said, calls for a high level of understanding and co-operation from both countries.

President Mills gave the assurance when the new ambassador of Cote d’Ivoire to Ghana, Bernard Hui Koutoua, presented his letters of credence at the Castle , Osu.

The new Ethiopian Ambassador to Ghana, Gifty Abasiga Ababulgu, pledged to work diligently to strengthen Ghana-Ethiopia relations.

President Mills described Ethiopia as a leader on the continent and Ghana will continue to work closely with her to promote the unity of the continent.

The Ambassador of Iran, Mohammed Suleymani, the Ambassador of Slovakia, Miroslav Haceck and the Ambassador of Poland, Przemyslaw Niesiolawski were also at the Castle to present their letters of credence