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Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Source: GNA

Six in court for stealing construction materials

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Philip Abayori, the President of the National Farmers and Fishermen Award Winners and five others on Tuesday appeared before an Accra Circuit Court for stealing building materials valued at GH?1,503,316.00.

With him in the dock are Eric Nana Ebo Aikins, the chief of Aketechia, near Anomabo in the Central Region, Francis Mantey, Emmanuel Ayisadu, Richmond Voanwzor and Mohamed Shaibu.

Variously charged with conspiracy, stealing and dishonestly receiving, they all pleaded not guilty.

The items including electrical cables, concrete blocks and iron roads were to be used in constructing a six storey hotel.

The Court presided over by Ms Rose Naa Adjeley Quayson admitted them to bail in the sum of GH?150,000.00 with two sureties.

The accused persons are to deposit their identity cards to court and are expected to reappear on March 1.

Prosecuting Superintendent of Police Mr Duuti Tuaruka said the complainant, Eric Johnson, is the Chief Executive of Intermerc Ghana Limited located at Tesano.

He said Aikins is a close associate of the complainant who engaged him to supervise his projects over the past 10 years.

The prosecutor said Aikins employed Mantey and two other people to mould blocks at the complainant’s warehouse at Ablemkpe to enable the complainant construct the hotel.

The complainant, however, deposited iron rods valued GH?521, 520.00, electrical cables also valued at GH?747,814.00 and sand concrete totalling GH?315,618.00 and handed over the items and keys to the warehouse to Aikins.

On February 1, the complainant sent a witness to the warehouse and he discovered that the items totalling GH? 1,503, 316.00 had been stolen.

On February 17, the complainant reported the matter to the Police and Aikins and Mantey were arrested and their caution statements they admitted stealing the items and they led the police to arrest the rest of the accused persons.