General News of Sunday, 8 October 2006

Source: GNA

Soldiers donate blood to Effia-Nkwanta Hospital

Apremdo (W/R), Oct 8, GNA - Some Officers and men of the Second Battalion Infantry (2BN) of the Ghana Army at Apremdo near Takoradi at the weekend donated blood to the Effia-Nkwanta Government Hospital. Major Albert Dawohoso, acting Commanding Officer of the 2BN who organised the voluntary exercise, told the Ghana News Agency that it was in response to an appeal for blood donation to replenish diminishing stocks at the hospital.

He said the exercise would be a regular affair as part of the programme to further strengthen military and civilian relations to enhance security, Major Dawohoso said.

Mr Peter Sagoe, Assistant Blood Programme Officer at the Effia-Nkwanta Hospital, commended the volunteers and appealed to individuals, religious organisations and other institutions to follow the soldiers' example.

Those who could not organise direct blood donation, he said, could sponsor the exercise by donating cash and other incentives. Mr Sagoe described the situation at the Effia-Nkwanta hospital blood bank as "critical", as the blood bank was at the moment operating at minimum level.

"As a result we have stepped up our campaign by trying to reach out to other cooperate institutions to donate either in cash or in kind to ensure that blood is always available to save lives at the hospital". Mr Sagoe said the blood bank needed a vehicle to enhance its operation and called for assistance.