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Regional News of Friday, 19 December 2003

Source: GNA

Some 45 tie and dye textile trainees pass out

Koforidua, Dec 19, GNA - The Koforidua Regional Technology Transfer Centre (RTTC) manufactured and distributed 30 sets of gari processing equipment to rural communities in all the 15 districts in the Eastern Region between May and June this year. The government, through the Ministry of Women and Children's Affairs, financed the programme.

In addition, the centre has delivered 10-skip type of waste disposal containers each to the New Juaben Municipal and the Sunyani District assemblies.

The acting Regional Manager of Koforidua RTTC, Mr lsaac Osei-Mensah, said this at the passing out ceremony of 45 people who were trained in tie and dye making.

Mr Osei-Mensah appealed to the government, district assemblies and non-governmental organizations and donors to support the development of small-scale industries by sponsoring the youth and unemployed in the districts through RTTC training programme.

He said between January and December 18, 241 people had been trained in rural enterprises with funds provided by the government and the European Union (EU).

The New Juaben Municipal Chief Executive, Nana Adjei Boateng, urged the trainees not to take their training as an end in itself but as a means to achieve greater heights by setting up their own enterprises. 19 Dec 03