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Regional News of Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Source: GNA

South Akim Rural Bank runs short of the new currency

Koforidua, July 03, GNA- Many customers at the South Akim Rural Bank, Koforidua Agency could not withdraw money due to shortage of the new currency at the bank on Tuesday.

When the Ghana News Agency (GNA) visited the bank, many of the customers were seen leaving the premises in disappointment after they had been informed that the bank got short of the new currency by 1400 hours.

The Manager, Mr. Samuel Aseidu, when contacted confirmed that the bank had exhausted all of the new currency supplied them. He said, customers since morning had been rushing to the bank apparently to have the new currency.

Mr. Aseidu indicated that the bank initially was meeting the demand of the customers but later realized that it could not continue as the money got exhausted.

He however, gave the assurance that management has made necessary arrangement and hopefully there would be sufficient money on Wednesday to meet customers' demand.

People queued at the various banks in the Koforidua municipality this morning in anticipation of getting the new currency. As early as 0800 hours this morning, there was a long queue of customers waiting to be served at the Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) and other banks in the municipality.

A large number of people were also at the various banks to make deposits with the old currency.

When contacted, the Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Eunice Osei-Bonsu of the ARB Apex Bank told the GNA that any rural bank having difficulty should draw the attention of the Apex Bank for support. She explained, "the shortage had arisen due to the mad rush on the side of the public to have a feel of the new notes." Mrs. Osei-Bonsu gave the assurance that, measures had been put in place to send more new notes to the rural banks, especially the Koforidua Branch of the South Akim Rural Bank.