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Religion of Sunday, 8 January 2012

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Spiritual Churches Council prays for the 2012 Elections

Accra, Jan 7, GNA – The Prophets of the Spiritual Churches Council of Ghana has over the weekend held its third national intercessory and thanksgiving service with a prayer for peace in the coming general elections.

The annual event is held on January 7 every year to mark the day on which the newly-elected president was sworn into office after the elections.

Nakoa Nazareth Ansah Jamson, the Spiritual Leader of the Council, said the aim of the service was to ensure that there was peace before, during and after the elections.

He said the programme would also serve as a ground where prayers would be said for the economic growth and development of the country.

Nakoa Nazareth called on political parties to conduct decent campaigns devoid of insults in the forthcoming general election.

He asked the citizenry to be civil in the conduct of their activities and to be tolerant towards each other in unity and harmony for the development of the nation.

He appealed to the media to support in the sustainability of the peace the country was enjoying now since there is no Ghana anywhere for the citizenry.

The spiritual leader together with the congregation prayed for the President and his Government, Parliament, Electoral Commission, Security Agencies and the People of Ghana.

There was drumming, singing and dancing to glorify the Lord for the peace the country has been enjoying for the last years with police presence to ensure safety of lives and property.