General News of Saturday, 19 December 2009

Source: GNA

NBC introduces programmes to meet demands of oil industry

Accra, Dec. 19, GNA - The National Banking College (NBC) has introduced special programmes in Risk Management and Energy Finance to prepare the banking sector to meet the demands of the emerging oil and gas industry. The College is also poised to expand its infrastructural facilities and restructure some academic programmes in key areas of concern to financial institutions, as they work out to meet Bank of Ghana's captalisation deadline.

Mr Philip Buabeng, Principal of NBC, disclosed this on Friday at a cocktail organized by the College for selected members of banking and non-banking institutions in Accra. "The College recognizes the changing skills and needs of financial institutions and has realigned and will continue to realign its programmes to reflect these changes," he said.

Mr Buabeng commended the members of both the banking and non-banking institutions for their enrollment in the various programmes offered by the College.

He urged them to use the knowledge as a tool to improve the performance of the banking sector. Founded in 1994, the NBC was the first specialist academic training institution in Ghana established for middle to top level bankers. In 2009, over 2,400 students passed out with either Diploma or MBA Certificates. 19 Dec. 09