General News of Thursday, 10 May 2001

Source: GNA

Stadium Police Commander Indicted

The government has ordered the interdiction of the Commander of the Police Contingent on duty at the Accra Sports Stadium during the Accra Hearts of Oak/Asante Kotoko league encounter, which resulted in the death of 126 soccer fans.

The tragedy, which is the worst in the continent’s history, occurred when the Police fired volleys of tear gas into the north wing of the stadium in an attempt to control rioting fans who were ripping of the stadium plastic seats and hurling them onto the pitch. In a bid to escape the fumes, the fans stampeded towards exits, which were reported to be locked at the time, and trampled hundreds of people in their bid to escape.

In an interview with the BBC, the Government Spokesperson, Mrs. Elizabeth Ohene, said that following a cabinet meeting held this morning, the government has ordered three days of national mourning while a committee of enquiry has been launched into the incident. Meanwhile the President has cancelled all his engagements in order to handle the disaster.

The acting Inspector General of Police, Mr. Ernest Osei-Poku has already formed an internal enquiry within the police service to find out what actually happened at the stadium. He added that he would not shield any of his personnel who are found to be guilty.

Meanwhile, Parliament has suspended sitting Thursday May 10 out of respect for the bereaved families. The deputy Majority leader, Papa Owus-Ankomah MP Sekondi called all Ghanaians to resolve to take steps to ensure that never again should such a thing happen in this country.

He expressed the House's condolences to the bereaved families and congratulated the health workers and all Ghanaians who helped in one way or the other in this national disaster.

The Member for Ningo Prampram and Minority Spokesman on Youth and Sports, E.T. Mensah, called on the to ensure that proper steps are taken to prevent recurrence of this unfortunate incident.