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Regional News of Monday, 28 October 2002

Source: Chronicle

Staff Discontent At District Assemblies in Eastern Region

CHRONICLE can report that there is a great deal of discontent at the district assemblies in the Eastern Region.

Most of the civil servants working at the district assemblies are complaining of being branded as anti-NPP, while they are not.

According to some of them, whenever they point out mistakes in some of their district chief executives' (DCEs) plans and programmes for correction, a DCE would misconstrue it to mean they are sabotaging their plans.

This has created a not too good working relationship between some of the DCEs and their staff, as the latter fear they may be transferred or sacked because of these wild allegations being levelled against them.

According to one of the leaders of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), (name withheld, majority of them, are being denied financial assistance or approval because they are branded as opposition groups campaigning against the government.

Speaking to the Chronicle, the Eastern Regional Secretary of the NDC, Mr. Anthony Gyampoh, confirmed that there are a complaints of discontent in some district assemblies in the region.

He described it as unfortunate and not too good for democratic, socio-political and economic growth of the country as it rather creates hatred and tension among people.

Commenting on the latest report that the NDC is broke, the regional party secretary strongly denied saying that the party is not but rather it has a lot of problems belong control but soon all will be well.

The politician was very worried about the latest killings of civilians by the security personnel (police) n the country.

According to him, the killings are more reminiscent of a post-coup era and for such acts to be taking place in the country at the moment calls for a strong investigation and action as no one knows what will follow.

"We have a good police service but also have bad nuts who ought to be brought to book," he appealed.

As to who the Eastern Region NDC is in support of to become the next flagbearer of the party, Mr. Gyampoh stated that the party in the region is prepared to accept either Prof. J. E. A. Mills or Dr. Kwesi Botchwey but will fully support whomever congress elects as the next flagbearer.