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Regional News of Monday, 1 December 2014

Source: GIS

Statement: GIS not recruiting

The Ghana Immigration Service [GIS] wishes to bring to the attention of the general public that it has not embarked on any recruitment exercise for 2014 and does not have any intentions to undertake any such exercise any time soon.

It is however instructive to note that, between 19th July and 15th August 2013, the GIS advertised for prospective applicants to buy forms and submit same to designated EMS post offices across the country. That process was stalled due to the government’s directive to put employment into the public sector on hold. The GIS has therefore not commenced the process of recruitment it had earlier on initiated.

Information gathered indicates that, certain miscreants are charging unsuspecting members of the Public, between one Thousand Ghana Cedis [GH¢1000.00] and Three Thousand Ghana Cedis [GH¢3000.00] promising to have them recruited into the GIS.

We wish to state categorically that, the Service has not embarked on any recruitment exercise for 2014 and also has not engaged the services of any persons to conduct any recruitment exercise on its behalf. Moreover, the Service is not selling recruitment forms and no decision to recruit has been taken by the GIS.

Members of the public are therefore advised to report to the Police any persons demanding money with the supposed intention of assisting them to secure a job with the GIS as well as those purporting to have recruitment forms for sale and those posing as job contractors or agents of the Service whose motive is purely to defraud.

Any future recruitment exercise would be duly advertised in the local newspapers.

Clarification on our recruitment procedures or training programme, should be sought from the Public Affairs Unit or any of our Regional Offices or call the following numbers; 0302-221667, 224445, 674125, 0244790137 or 0244628334.

The public is hereby accordingly advised.