A rejoinder from the Ministry of Tourism and Modernisation to the story titled 'Ghana Declines Partnering Nigeria In Tourism' posted on your website on 18th February 2006.
The attention of the Ministry has been drawn to a publication in the Nigerian Tribune which quotes Mr. Donald Duke, Governor of Cross?River state accusing Ghana of refusal to partner Nigeria in the development of Tourism.
In the said article, Governor Duke is alleged to have said that Ghana developed cold feet in a proposed partnership arrangement after a visit to Cross-River State by Mr. J. Obetsebi-Lamptey, Minister of Tourism and Modernization of the Capital City.
We wish to deny categorically any such visit by Mr. Obetsebi-Lamptey to Cross-River State. Discussions have been initiated to that effect and the Minister hopes to honour the invitation in the near future.
Indeed, the Ministry has followed with admiration the laudable moves by Governor Duke to make Tourism the focus of development since we are aware of the positive impact that this policy can make to the socio-economic state of the people.
As far as multi-country partnership to promote tourism is concerned, we wish to state emphatically that Ghana has been in the forefront of the drive to engender a united front by African countries to compete together to enable the continent improve on its current 3.2% share of the World Tourism market. This policy is rooted in our strong belief in the use of tourism as a catalyst for economic growth, job creation and poverty alleviation.
Ghana has also demonstrated her commitment to the idea of multi? destination tours which requires partnerships among African States to ensure success.
We wish to reiterate that in the development of Tourism especiallv, Ghana sees all African countries as partners and with products and efforts more complimentary of one another than in competition with one another. We are therefore committed to cooperating with the Cross-Rivers State and Nigeria to promote tourism in Africa.