General News of Monday, 27 October 1997

Source: --

Stevie Wonder Donates To Society For The Blind

Accra,(Greater Accra) 23 Oct. The Ghana Society for the Blind (GSB) today received two computerised personal readers worth 4,000 dollars from Stevie Wonder, a popular African-American performing artist. The machines, which make reading possible and easy for the blind and visually impaired without the help of a transcriber, were presented on behalf of the singer by E.T. Multimedia, a division of Efiri Tete Communications. One of the machines will be sent to the resource centre at the University of Ghana and the other will remain with the GSB. Making the presentation, Mr Seth Etsey, director of photography of E.T. Multimedia, said the machine is capable of reading aloud in four different voices to any blind or visually impaired person. He gave the voice characteristics as deep male, male, female and child.

Mr Etsey said the donation shows that Stevie Wonder has the interest of the blind in Ghana at heart.

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