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General News of Tuesday, 23 July 2002


Stop shifting blames - NDC to Gov't

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) caucus in Parliament has criticised the government for spending more than five months filling vacancies in the courts for litigation instead of facilitating rural development.

A statement signed by Mr. Aseidu-Nketiah, MP for Wenchi West, said the government had not appointed a Common Fund Administrator to disburse the money to promote rural development but was blaming Parliament for the delay in releasing the fund.

It was in reaction to a news item on Radio Ghana attributed to the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Mr. Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu, that Parliament's inability to approve the 2002 formula for distribution had delayed the release of the fund.

It said the pronouncement was a calculated attempt by the government to shift blame for its shortcomings to innocent people in state institutions. "We wish to state that whilst it is true that Parliament refused to approve of the formula for the distribution of the fund upon a submission of Hon. Asiedu Nketiah and Hon. Doe Adjaho, NDC MPs for Wenchi-West and Avenor respectively, Parliament cannot be blamed for the inability of the government to release monies for the fund."

The NDC MPs said disbursement of the common fund had been approved under the budget and the Ministry of Finance did not need further authorisation from parliament before releases were made from the consolidated fund to the central common Fund account.