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Politics of Thursday, 15 April 2021


Stop smear campaign against Professor Ameyaw Ekumfi - NPP group

Professor Christopher Ameyaw Ekumfi Professor Christopher Ameyaw Ekumfi

A group calling itself the Techiman Youth Patriots have hit hard on some unscrupulous individuals for churning out false information on the former Minister of Education Professor Ameyaw Ekumfi.

The group in a statement issued on Thursday, April 15, 2021, pointed that two individuals, Prince and Godson who are mobile phone dealers at Dansoman in Accra have been going about sending out malicious information to denigrate the hard-earned reputation of Professor Ekumfi.

A former minister of Ports, Harbours and Railways, Prof. Christopher Ameyaw-Akumfi, is said to be lacing his boots to contest the NPP National Chairmanship race when the party opens nominations.

Sources say the former Techiman North Member of Parliament, is coming onboard with unity as his catchphrase.

He is also seeking to ensure commitment and discipline among the ranks and file of the NPP for victory in 2024.

Prof. Ameyaw-Akumfi hails from the Bono East Region.

He is believed to have a track record of dedicated service to the NPP, having held and served the party at various levels including serving as the backbone of the Anti-UniGov Movement on the campus of the University of Cape Coast through to PFP and now NPP.

The group in their statement have vowed to stand and defend the reputation of Professor Ameyaw Ekumfi, adding that they will expose any individual who will peddle falsehood to malign the good works of their state man.

Read the full statement below





Ladies and gentlemen of the press, good afternoon. Thank you for honouring our invitation at such short notice. The attention of the Techiman Youth Patriots has been drawn to malicious and vile allegations against Professor Christopher Ameyaw Akumfi by a certain Prince who currently sells mobile phones at Dansoman in Accra and one Godson. The statement in its entirety seeks to denigrate the hard-won reputation of the astute politician and academician and ruin his chances of leading the New Patriotic Party as National Chairman.

Not only is the content of the statement false, but it is also hatched out of ingratitude and jealousy by those behind it. Prince has been making incessant monetary demands from Professor Ameyaw Akumfi and is not satisfied with whatever the generous Professor gives him. As recent as a weeks ago, Prince asked Prof. to send him money. This is kind of a character who seeks to impugn the integrity and reputation of Prof with the support of some people.

Professor Christopher Ameyaw as we all know is a renowned statesman and an accomplished public servant. His achievements in academia and politics cannot be swept under the carpet. He has led many educational policy and reforms in Ghana. He has discharged his duties as Director-General of Ghana Education Service (GES), Minister of Education, Minister of Ports, Harbours and Railways, Member of Parliament and now Board Chairman of Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund (GIIF) to the people of Ghana with dedication and distinction. In all these areas of public service, he demonstrated professionalism at the highest level and the integrity of the accomplished Professor remained intact.

Professor Christopher Ameyaw has also served the people of Techiman North and South very well. Many development projects including schools, health centres, roads just to mention a few in the area came through his leadership. The leading role he played in the creation of the Bono East Region for which Techiman is now the Regional Capital cannot be distorted by any disgruntled individual or group. His popularity arising out of his excellent leadership and cordial human relations is the envy of many.

Interestingly, while people devise clandestine moves to dent the image of Professor Ameyaw Akumfi, he is rather soaring higher every day. The recent publications about his intentions to lead the NPP as National Chairman are not mere rumours. Heavyweights and supporters of the NPP across the country think that the party needs fresh leadership and are calling on Professor Christopher Ameyaw Akumfi, the result-oriented, affable and competent Grassroot man to make himself available to serve. When the time is due and barring any unforeseen circumstances, Professor Ameyaw Akumfi will contest the National Chairmanship position of the NPP and we are confident that the delegates of the party will repose their confidence in him.

The Techiman Youth Patriots will stand and defend the reputation of Professor Ameyaw Akumfi any time and any day. We will expose people who peddle falsehood to malign the likes of Prof. just to satisfy their parochial, fiendish and jealous intentions. We call on the few people of Techiman who have made it a habit to pull their own kith and kin down, any time they have an opportunity to make the town proud to stop. The pull him down attitude is gaining notoriety here in Techiman and must stop. We must rather forge ahead in unity to be able to bring progress and development to our people and Ghanaians in general. Let’s all support Professor Christopher Ameyaw Akumfi and indeed any person who has the capacity to bring honour to Techiman. This is how we can hold our chest high and compete favourably in Ghana’s public space.

Long live Professor Ameyaw Akumfi!

Long live the chiefs and people of Techiman!

Long Live NPP!

Long live Ghana!