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Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 11 January 2006

Source: GNA

Student in court for forgery and attempted stealing

Accra, Jan. 11, GNA - An Accra Circuit Court on Wednesday remanded into prison custody a Nigerian student who forged two Barclays Bank travellers cheques and attempted to use them to withdraw 1,000 dollars from a customer's account.

Branton Daryl, the student, pleaded not guilty to forging of document and attempted stealing.

He is to reappear on January 18.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Mr Kofi Blagodzi told the court that on the morning of December 29, 2005, Daryl went to the Bank and presented two Thomas Cook US travellers cheques with serial numbers 01386971 and 01386972 with face value of 500 dollars each to withdraw money.

The Prosecution said when the cheques were presented, the Bank's cashier found them to be fake. The Prosecution said Barclays Bank of Canada also confirmed the cheques to be faked. The Bank's security men, therefore, escorted Daryl to the James Town Police Station in Accra. During Police interrogation Daryl admitted the offence and stated one Denis Lewis, a friend now at large, gave them to him. 11 Jan. 06