General News of Saturday, 5 October 2002

Source: BBC Online

Student's book hopes for health in Ghana

British medical student Anna Long is to spend part of her final year's studies writing a children's book to improve health in Ghana. Anna Long will spend ten weeks in Ghana Anna, a student at University College and Royal Free Medical School, in London, is spending ten weeks in the Keta Government Hospital in South East Ghana and with the Volta Regional Health Administration, compiling the book.

Using the story of Kofi and Akua and their magical parrot, Anna hopes to educate the children about disease prevention through better health, nutrition and hygiene.

The book will be aimed at children aged about 10 and 11 and Anna hopes it can be written in English, Twi (the national language) and the local language of the region, Ewe.


Although the book is aimed specifically at children, Anna believes that by re-educating the children she can help educate the whole community.

"I believe we should never underestimate the power of children in instigating positive change within communities.

"My aim is to empower children to take responsibility for their own health and to encourage other members of their family and community to adopt healthier practices."

Anna first visited Ghana as part of Raleigh International in 2000 and was inspired to go back to help the children she'd grown to love.

"I was very taken by the children in Ghana. They are very positive and enjoy life.

"This was something I could do a way of giving something back to them for the pleasures they had given to me."

Anna said her book, based on a book written for Tibetan refugees, would also try to discourage smoking and promote a healthier lifestyle.

The story and themes of the book will be specific to Ghanaian culture and home life to ensure it is completely relevant to the local children.

Each book will cost about ?5 and anyone wanting to sponsor a copy should email Anna on