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Regional News of Monday, 10 April 2006

Source: GNA

Suame MP warns constituents against filth

Kumasi, April 10, GNA - Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, Member of Parliament (MP) for Suame, has appealed to residents of Tarkwa-Maakro in his constituency to eschew indiscriminate littering of the environment. He said indiscriminate disposal of refuse could lead to an outbreak of typhoid, malaria fever or other epidemic in the community. Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu was reacting with chiefs and people of Tarkwa-Maakro at a public forum at Maakrom on Saturday as part of his regular meeting with his constituents.

The MP commended the people in the area for their spontaneous response to a call by the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) to clean up their environment. He however, cautioned that if the attitude of littering indiscriminately did not stop, the clean-up exercise would be meaningless.

Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu assured the residents that a 3.2-kilometre Anomangye- Nkwanta-Mpatasie road, which was currently under reconstruction, would be re-gravelled after the completion works on the drains.

He pledged to liase with the Department of Urban Roads and other stakeholders to have the roads in the community reshaped to make them useful.

Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, who is also the Majority Chief Whip in Parliament, asked distressed parents and guardians in the constituency to take advantage of a 50 million-cedis scholarship scheme he had instituted to educate their brilliant but needy children. He said he had donated over 40 million cedis for the rehabilitation of a toilet facility and a football playing field in the area. Nana Adu Poku Boahen, chief of Tarkwa, thanked the MP for the numerous development projects he had initiated in the twin-community and called for the sensitisation of the people in the communities to enable them appreciate the efforts of the MP.

He called for the involvement of the chiefs in the implementation of development projects in the area in order to inculcate a sense of community ownership to enable the people take better care of those projects.