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Politics of Monday, 28 July 2008

Source: GNA

Sunyani NDC holds street procession to publicise registration exercise

Sunyani, July 28, GNA - Supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Sunyani at the weekend held processions through some principal streets of the municipality to create public awareness about the voter's registration exercise which begins July 31, this year. Led by Mr. Justice Samuel Adjei, aspiring NDC parliamentary candidate for Sunyani East constituency, the supporters clad in Party paraphernalia paraded through the main market street, continuing to Penkwasi Street and later converged at the Party's regional office.

Addressing the supporters, Mr. Adjei advised them, especially the youth, not to fall for monetary enticements from opponents to influence them to vote for them. He urged them to remain loyal and urged those who had attained 18 years and above but had not registered to do so to enable them exercise their civil rights in the December poll. Mr. Adjei said the welfare of the youth was the main priority of the NDC and that when elected, the Party would expand some of the policies such as the school feeding and the national youth employment programmes.