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Regional News of Tuesday, 11 April 2006

Source: GNA

Sunyani Poly TESCON hails Baffour-Awuah's elevation

Sunyani, April 11, GNA - The Sunyani Polytechnic branch of the Tertiary Education Students Confederacy (TESCON) of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has commended Mr Ignatius Baffour-Awuah, Deputy Brong-Ahafo Regional Minister for his elevation to the substantive Regional Minister.

The Confederacy also commended Nana Kwadwo Seinti, former Regional Minister for his appointment as Ambassador to Malaysia. At a press conference organised by the Confederacy in Sunyani on Monday, Mr Alfred Ofori Annye, Regional Youth Organiser of the party noted that the government had kept faith with the youth of the party by appointing a number of them to various positions.

Mr Annye expressed the hope that the new Regional Minister would use his office judiciously to help the Region in terms of improving upon the living standard of the people as well as the enhancement of the security situation in the Region.

Meanwhile, the Brong-Ahafo Regional Student's Union (BASU), has also commended Mr Baffour-Awuah for his appointment as the Regional Minister.

a press statement signed by Mr Jonathan Obour-Wiredu National President of the Union and copied to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) acknowledged the sense of duty, good human relations and leadership qualities exhibited by Mr Baffour-Awuah in his capacity as the Deputy Regional Minister.

"The Union wishes to commend you on your new appointment and hopes that you will continue to demonstrate exemplary leadership by bringing your wide experience to bear in the governance of the Region with the fear of God" the statement added.