Regional News of Monday, 23 July 2007

Source: GNA

Support efforts at resolving energy crisis - Rev Minister urges

Meduma (Ash), July 23, GNA - Very Reverend G.K. Boampong, Superintendent Minister of Old-Tafo Circuit of the Methodist Church, has called for an end to the blame-game with the energy crisis. He said the energy crisis had dire consequences for all sectors of the economy and people should support efforts at resolving it. Very Rev Boampong was preaching at the inauguration and induction ceremony of Christ the King Methodist Men's Fellowship at Meduma in the Kwabre District on Sunday.

He said Ghanaians should pray unceasingly for continuous rains to raise the water level of the Akosombo Dam.

He said the importance of prayers should not be overlooked, adding that during the 2000 elections, Christians and other religious groups organized prayer sessions and crusades and for the first time in the nation's history there was a smooth transfer of political power.

Mr Charles Mensah, National Chairman of the Association of Methodist Men's Fellowships, said men were the bed-rock of the church and should do all they could to uphold the vision and mission of Methodism.

He said as heads of the family, men should not neglect their responsibilities and should support activities and programmes of the fellowship.

Mr Asare Yeboah, Kumasi Diocesan Chairman of the fellowship, said the fellowship members had a duty to propagate the word, evangelise and seek the growth and expansion of the church.

He said the fellowship also had a great role to play in implementing the policy of the church to double its membership in the next five years.

The new executives are Mr Kofi Konadu Takyi, chairman, Mr Samuel Adu Nyarko, vice-chairman, Mr Andrews Osei Bonsu, secretary, Mr Richard Addai Asumaning, assistant secretary and Mr Kankam Marfo, treasurer.