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Regional News of Friday, 25 July 2003

Source: GNA

Swedru Bethel Methodist builds 240 million cedis School Complex

Agona Swedru, July 25, GNA - The Bethel Methodist Church at Agona Swedru Mahodwe is constructing a four unit classroom block, office, store and library at the cost of 240 million cedis to cater for educational needs of pre-school children in the area.

The Church has completed feasibility studies to establish computer school and vocational training centre for students and unemployed who wish to do studies in computer and acquire vocational skills which would cost the Church several millions cedis .

Mr Emmanuel Appiah-Dawson, caretaker of Mahodwe branch of the Church disclosed this at ceremony to mark the first anniversary and thanks given service of the establishment of the Church at Agona Swedru. Recounting the history of the Church, Mr Appiah-Dawson said the Church started with only 32 members and now it has risen to a total 150. He said the church has extended electricity to the Swedru A.D.A .(A) and (B) schools at the cost of two million cedis to enable the students to attend evening classes to improve their performances.

In a sermon, the Superintendent Minister of the Agona Swedru circuit of the Methodist Church of Ghana, Rev Ebenezer K. Abekah-Wilson urged Christians to live above reproach to change their attitudes for the better.

He explained that as Christians they are the mirror in the World through which people look for themselves to change their lifestyles. Rev Abekah-Wilson expressed the hope that the leaders of the Church would intensify their crusade against the killer disease, HIV/AIDS, which is spreading fast like wildfire in the country.