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Regional News of Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Source: GNA

Swedruman Council reinstates Tufuhene

The Swedruman Council of Chiefs has lifted the ban placed on Nana Kojo Acquah, Tufuhene of Agona Swedru over his traditional misconduct against the council four years ago.

According to the Council,Nana Acquah can participate in the Akwambo festival celebration by the chiefs and people of Swedru on August 13.

The Tufuhene was pardoned after the Agona Swedru Christian Council intervened.

Nana Ogyabea Badu Ehuren,Sanaahene of Swedruman Council of Chiefs, made this known at a ceremony to officially accept the Tufuhene into the council, and called on other chiefs to desist from such misconducts.

As tradition demands Nana Acquah as made to pay GH? 500,and crates of drinks.

Nana Esieni,Nifahene of Swedruman Council,appealed to the Tufuhene to see his position as commander of all Asafo Companies in the town as crucial and so his conduct could undermine the development of the Council and the image of the Chieftaincy institution.

Nana Acquah expressed appreciation to the Local Christian Council, Swedruman Council of Chiefs, and the people at Dwenho for helping to mediate in the impasse.