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Health News of Thursday, 12 July 2007

Source: GNA

TB cases on the decrease in Nkwanta District

Nkwanta (V/R), July 12, GNA- The Nkwanta District Health Directorate has recorded a steady decrease in cases of tuberculosis since 2004.

Dr Koku Awoonor-Williams, District Director of Health Services told the Ghana News Agency that tuberculosis cases had dropped from 50 cases in 2004 to 42 in 2005 and 37 in 2006.

He attributed the achievement to continuous awareness creation and intensive education in the communities by health teams saying only 14 cases had been recorded for the first half of this year. Dr Awoonor said the District was committed to reducing tuberculosis to the barest minimum in the District with the cooperation of patients by adhering to the Directly Observed Treatment Short course (DOTS) treatment regimen.

He said the District Directorate was also taking measures to avert cases of increase severe anaemia and malaria cases, which had already killed 10 children below the age of five in the District. 12 July 07