Health News of Thursday, 19 February 2015


TB scare hits Eastern region

Newborn babies in some districts in the Eastern region risk contracting Tuberculosis.

The districts have run out of the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccines which protect babies from contracting the deadly disease.

The Birim North district is one of the many districts that have not have the vaccines for some time now.

Speaking to Starr News, the district health director, Thomas Azurago said the situation is worrying and must be immediately addressed.

“When a child is born, we vaccinate the child before it leaves the ward but we don’t have the vaccines to give to them and we don’t know who to blame, whether the health service or the ministry of health.

“The top must wake up; the drugs are not there. The children are going out without vaccination and we don’t know what is going to happen to them in the future without that vaccine.

“The drug is not available nationwide, it’s not there,” he lamented.