Regional News of Thursday, 6 November 2014

Source: GNA

Takoradi Assembly to destroy illegal signage

The Outdoor Advertising Unit of the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) is to destroy all unauthorized posters and signage in the metropolis.

The Assembly would also punish individuals and associations who without permission mount these signages.

Mr. George Amartey, Head of Outdoor Advertising unit of STMA, told the GNA that the assembly was losing a lot of money in revenue due to these illegal activities by such institutions.

He said the automatic renewal policy had been grossly abused by such bodies who hang banners.

Mr. Amatey said that his outfit would strengthen its monitoring operations on all billboards, posters and sign posts in the metropolis adding that: “We will remove all unregistered and those without permit”.

The Director singled out churches as worst offenders in indiscriminate postings and hanging of banners as well as erection of signposts.