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Health News of Friday, 17 August 2018


Tamale Teaching Hospital workers resume work

Patients seen at the Tamale Teaching Hospital after staff resumed work Patients seen at the Tamale Teaching Hospital after staff resumed work

Staff of the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH) who embarked on a strike following an attack on the hospital have resumed work following an intervention by the chiefs and leaders in the area.

Class91.3FM’s Northern Regional Correspondent, Mohammed Gadafi, reported on Friday, 17 August 2018 that patients are receiving medical care at the Out Patients Department (OPD) of the hospital this morning.

As at 7:00AM, about 20 patients had already picked their folders at the OPD and were ready to visit the consultation rooms to see doctors.

About 40 people were also in a queue going through the process to pick their folders at the records department.

Nurses were also present at the Accident and Emergency Unit of the hospital even though there were no cases yet.