Regional News of Sunday, 22 November 2020

Source: Senyalah Castro, Contributor

Tangoba Abayage organizes health screening for Natugnia

Health screening was organised for the people of Navrongo Central Health screening was organised for the people of Navrongo Central

Tangoba Abayage, the Upper East Regional Minister and New Patriotic Party Parliamentary Candidate for Navrongo Central, has put together a health screening exercise for women in her constituency.

The health screening, which is the first of its kind, has been organized at Natugnia where a team of medical staff from the Unique Mobile Health Care (UNIMOHC) is attending to the health needs of the women.

Aside from the medical activity, Ms. Abayage is also holding a Mega Women's Conference in the community.

Hundreds of women from the different parts of the constituency have gathered to screen themselves and also participate in the conference.

The team of 14 medical staff is attending to the huge crowd that turned out for the exercise, with special focus on the aged.

Participants are being taken through screening procedures for Diabetes, Malaria, Hepatitis, Hypertension and the management of minor conditions. The medical team is also educating the women on ways to stay healthy and free from infections.

Leader of the Medical Team, Robert A-ansim Abotiyire, said diabetes, hepatitis and topped cases they attended to.

He said the health screening was also to create health awareness among the women.